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Artwave Festival Of Creativity Opens Across Lewes District

Artwork From Around 800 Artists from across Lewes district is now on display at 147 venues.

Artwave will run over the next two weekends until Sunday, September 26th and feature free exhibitions curated by the artists and makers themselves.

Art trails can be found around Seaford, Newhaven, Lewes or you can trace a route through rural district villages.     

The Seaford Trail includes an exhibition titled Celebrate Cuckmere Haven featuring more than 70 artists, bringing together art inspired by views of, from or around iconic Cuckmere Haven.  

Held at the South Hill Barn in Seaford, a programme of events surrounds this exhibition with all profits raised going directly to the charity Cuckmere Haven SOS.  

Celebrate Cuckmere Haven organiser Jo Myles said:

“For a tiny bay on the Sussex coastline, Cuckmere Haven enjoys somewhat of a global superstar status, having been used for numerous major motion films, TV shows and commercials.  

“Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from across the globe visit Cuckmere Haven to see for themselves the white cliffs and picturesque coastguard cottages they recognise from TV and cinema screens. 

“At a time when representational and figurative painting is enjoying a welcome return to popularity and as society re-emerges into the light, the Celebrate Cuckmere Haven exhibition will lift the spirits and give Artwave visitors an opportunity to appreciate and buy new works in a wide range of mediums.” 

Meanwhile there are six exhibitions on the Rural Trail in Glynde with an opportunity to see contemporary art at Glynde Place, with artist Isobel Smith, open on 18, 19, 25 and 26 September.

Hamsey Church is another historic building which has become an exhibition space for the festival, featuring Keith Pettit, who will be showing new wood engraved prints, sculptures and paintings. 

The heritage artist’s village of Ditchling has four artists’ studios opening and shops on the High Street.

Close by there are three new venues opening in Streat: Atelium showing art in their new vineyard, open studios of Jinks McGrath & Steve Turner and the Skelton workshops.  

For full details including a list of all venues and opening times please visit artwavefestival.org    

All exhibitions are free and printed maps are available from Lewes and Seaford Tourist Information Centres. 

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