A Crawley councillor’s claim that anyone who wants to commit a crime ‘will get away with it’ has been branded ‘unhelpful’ by Sussex Police.
Peter Lamb (Lab, Northgate & West Green) spoke during a meeting of the borough council in July where members were voting to extend a Public Space Protection Order banning nuisance drinking in the town centre.
Telling his fellow councillors that it was not the local authority’s ‘primary responsibility to be dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour’, Mr Lamb said the main questions asked by members of the public centred around how often they saw a police officer, how police reacted to reports of crime, and crimes ‘going completely unpunished’.
But Chief Inspector Ben Starns, district commander for Crawley and Mid Sussex, retorted:
"These comments are unhelpful and do not reflect the proactive work we put in—working with partners and the local community—to catch criminals, protect vulnerable people and deliver an outstanding service.
"It is a common misconception that our officers are never seen out on the streets, and I have to challenge this.
"I can assure the public that police carry out patrols of Crawley, including hot spot areas, every single day.
"And while we cannot be everywhere all the time, we could be anywhere at any time."
Chief Inspector Starns has made repeated calls for people to report crime, explaining that if he was unaware of an issue, he could not allocate resources—such as officers—to the problem.
In January, while discussing crime figures with councillors, he also warned that unfounded rumours on social media often increased the fear of crime.
The Chief Inspector added:
"The vast majority of people are extremely supportive of their local police, and it’s vital that we continue to work together to help keep Crawley a safe place.
"Please continue to report any crime or suspicious activity to us.
"The more intelligence we receive, the more information we have to act upon."
To report a crime in progress, or where a suspect is still at the scene, or there is immediate danger of injury or death, Sussex Police says a 999 call , asking for the police, should be made.
For other reports of incidents, Sussex Police can be contacted via the 101 system, and on-line reports can be made by following this link: