Chichester District Council plans to spend more than £240,000 refurbishing four public toilets across the district.
The plans for the conveniences at Priory Park and Market Road, in Chichester; East Beach, in Selsey; and Bosham Lane, in Bosham, were discussed during a meeting of the cabinet on Tuesday (July 11).
In addition, options for the Tower Street block will be looked at, with the building likely to be demolished and replaced with a modern, modular toilet.
Harsha Desai, cabinet member for growth & place, said the refurbishments were needed to comply with the requirements of the Equalities Act.
Other options being considered were LED lighting and the fitting of solar panels at three of the sites, as well as the re-using of rainwater in the lavatories and urinals.
Ms Desai added:
“There are no statutory requirements for local authorities to provide public conveniences.
“However, it is recognised that there are benefits to the district in providing such facilities to our community.”
If the full council agrees to draw £241,000 from the general fund reserve to pay for the refurbishments, the next step will be for the council to find a contractor to carry out the work.
The meeting was told that the cost of refurbishing the Tower Street site would be ‘uneconomical’ and ‘the wrong thing to do’.
The initial plan had been to demolish the building and declare the land surplus to requirements, potentially selling it for up to £40,000.
Instead, Ms Desai will work with officers to look at other options for the site, with a report to be submitted to the council later in the year or early next year.