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Crawley Road Rage Incident Leaves Woman With Broken Leg

A 34-year-old woman was left with a broken leg and other injuries after a road rage incident in Crawley.

The 34-year-old victim was driving on Friday 11 September between 7pm and 7.30pm when she stopped to speak to another driver in a Mitsubishi 4x4 in Waterfield Gardens who she felt had been driving aggressively.

As she went to speak to him, he reversed his vehicle hitting her and then drove off. She also suffered a broken thumb and cuts and bruises.

Detective Constable Sam Jedrzejewska said:

"The victim has suffered some serious injuries and we are keen to hear from anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information about it."

Report online or ring 101 quoting serial 1289 of 11/09.

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