CCTV cameras are to be positioned at a number of fly tipping ‘hotspots’, councillors have heard.
The topic was discussed at a meeting of the joint waste and recycling committee on Friday (January 7), where council representatives from Hastings, Rother and Wealden meet to discuss their shared waste contract.
During the meeting, councillors heard from waste contractor Biffa that staff had reported clearing 443 fly tips between September and November last year.
Of these 264 were in Wealden and 179 in Rother. Biffa staff are not responsible for collecting fly tips in Hastings, which has an in-house street cleansing service.
Biffa had also identified a number of ‘hot spots’ in both districts where repeated fly-tipping incidents occurred.
In Rother, these were: The recycling site in Eastway, Bexhill; Forewood Lane in Crowhurst; and Hooks Beech in Robertsbridge.
In Wealden, these were: The recycling site in Hartfield Road, Forest Row; Sluice Lane in Pevensey; and at the recycling site in North Street, Hailsham.
Bob Standley, leader of Wealden District Council, raised concerns that several of these fly-tipping hotspots were at recycling sites and asked for details about what was being done to address this.
Council officers said mobile CCTV cameras, funded through the Wealden Safer Streets Partnership, were due to be installed at some of the problem points.
Officers also said it was believed that there was a small number of people fly-tipping regularly and enforcement action would be taken.