St Wilfrid's Hospice is setting residents a fundraising challenge this February – turn £50 into as much money as possible in 50 days.
The Eastbourne-based hospice has launched the 50:50 Challenge to raise much-needed funds for its essential work: providing skilled and compassionate care for those with life-limiting illnesses.
The challenge runs from February 5 until March 26. People taking part will be loaned a crisp £50 note. It is then up to them, and their team, to turn that into as much money as possible in 50 days.
Fundraisers could use the £50 to buy cake ingredients and have a cake sale, or buy some car wash equipment and offer staff car cleans for a fee. Other suggestions include a 'gameathon', raffle or coffee morning.
The team which has made the most money after the 50 days will be presented with a special winner’s trophy by the hospice’s mascot, Wilfie Bear.
Colin Twomey, St Wilfrid’s Hospice CEO, said:
“We look forward to seeing what amazing ideas fundraisers come up with this year. As a charity, we rely on our community to provide around 70 per cent of our income – and the patch we serve covers a huge 230,000 people in East Sussex.
“We are hugely grateful to the public for their generosity. It makes an incredible difference to the work we do, caring for people with life-limiting illnesses.”
Teams will have access to the leaderboard and an exclusive Facebook group throughout the challenge, so participants can keep an eye on how each team is doing.
Last year, Gibbs & Dandy turned £20 into £500. They bought golf balls and prizes and charged customers £1 to putt three balls in the middle aisle of the shop. Anyone who got the ball into the hole spun the wheel of fortune to receive either an immediate small prize or entry into a raffle for a digital radio.
Have a creative fundraising idea? Sign up for the 50:50 Challenge and turn £50 into some much-needed funds for the hospice.
Email corporates@stwhospice.org, call 01323 434221 or visit www.stwhospice.org/50-50 for more information.
The challenge is sponsored by PRG Marketing Communications.