Plans to expand a major housing development on the outskirts of Eastbourne have been given the go ahead by Wealden planners.
On Thursday (September 9), Wealden District Council’s planning committee south approved an application connected to the Brodricklands and Hamlands Farm site in Willingdon.
The wider site, from developers Barratt David Wilson Homes, has outline planning permission for a total of 390 homes and is already under construction.
This most recent application sought planning permission for a new layout of part of the site, which would increase the overall number of homes to 425 — 35 more homes than the original scheme
According to council papers the developers had originally sought to increase the number of homes by 50, but this was negotiated down in light of concerns from planning officers.
While approved, the scheme had seen a number of objections raised around the impact of additional housing on local infrastructure.
Similar fears were raised by some committee members with several highlighting the potential impact on the road network.
No objections had been raised by East Sussex Highways, however.
Another concern was raised over the ability of Southern Water to deal with sewerage from the site due its close proximity to the Pevensey Levels.
This was a particular concern for Hellingly councillor David White (Ind) given the recent decision by the Environment Agency to permit companies to release untreated waste water into rivers if supply chain issues prevent chemical treatment.
Ultimately, however, the committee did not consider there were sufficient grounds to refuse the scheme.
Committee chairman Susan Stedman summed up these views.
She said:
“The county council were originally looking at a higher [number] of units than were granted, so the reason why they find this just about acceptable is because these 35 units have already been included in their original modelling.
“I think that gives me reason to believe that it’s not good but it is covered.
“I can’t think of any reason, any planning grounds, that we could refuse this and get away with it at appeal, so I am happy to put this forward for approval.
“If you felt you could strengthen the Southern Water condition please say so, because I think it is an extraordinary thing that the Environment Agency have done.
“That any untreated sewage could be let out anywhere, let alone the Pevensey Levels, I find quite extraordinary.”
Following further discussion the application was approved with seven in favour, three against and two abstaining.
For further information on the proposals see application reference WD/2020/2379/MAJ on the Wealden District Council website.