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Emergency Homeless Shelter Opens In Brighton

Accommodation and support is available for people sleeping rough in the city who need the council’s help over Christmas.

The council's Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) shelter will be open from Christmas Eve to the morning of December 28, and again from New Year’s Eve through to the morning of January 2.

SWEP provides shelter for all rough sleepers in the city and venues are made available to meet demand. Food is being provided for everyone who needs it.

At other times, SWEP will open when the temperature is predicted to feel like zero degrees Celsius or below, or when there is an amber weather warning. This is one of the lowest triggers for opening SWEP services in the country. 

As in previous years, the SWEP venue has self-contained rooms and referrals are made through the the city’s street outreach service (CGL).

When SWEP is triggered, the street outreach service go out looking for people we know to be rough sleeping to offer them warm accommodation. 

The First Base Day Centre, who provide services for people who are rough sleeping, will also refer people to SWEP when it is triggered.

Anyone not accommodated during the day is referred into SWEP by the street outreach service.

SWEP was open for throughout the recent cold snap and accommodated 49 people. 

In addition to the severe weather shelter, there's accommodation and support for up to 25 people who would otherwise be sleeping rough throughout the winter, following a successful council bid for additional government funding.

The accommodation is open day and night - whatever the weather - until 31 March 2023. It offers an opportunity to work with residents to help them move off the streets into longer term sustainable accommodation.

The city’s ‘No Second Night Out’ (NSNO) accommodation has also re-opened in new premises, offering a safe place for up to 45 people who would otherwise be sleeping rough.

NSNO is managed by the homelessness charity St Mungo’s, and people staying at the hub have their needs assessed to develop plans to move them away from the streets.

The aim is to act swiftly as a short-term support when people start rough sleeping and to find out how best to help. 

The city also has the 'off-street offer' service providing short-stay emergency accommodation in a safe place for up to 30 entrenched rough sleepers.

Similar to the NSNO service, people staying in the accommodation will have their needs assessed and personalised support to help them move permanently from the streets. 

Anyone concerned about people sleeping rough in the city, including people staying in tents, can report through the Streetlink website or call 0300 500 0914. 

The street outreach team will then contact them to try to offer them appropriate support and housing assistance.

It’s important that anyone sleeping rough is offered help as soon as possible and that the assistance offered meets their needs, so accommodation for people on the streets is provided through referrals from organisations who understand what’s available and what support is needed. 

Reporting where people are through Streetlink is the best way of making sure that people get the support they need. This route has helped the council support people still sleeping on the streets into emergency accommodation. 

Councillor David Gibson, co-chair of the Housing Committee, said:

“We’re opening SWEP to provide warm, safe accommodation and making sure food and drink is available there for anyone who needs it.

“It’s also great news to see the ‘No Second Night Out’ has reopened in time for Christmas. 

“It all adds up to a wide-ranging package of accommodation and support in the city to help people move away from the streets. They also give us an opportunity to work closely with people and offer them support to end their homelessness. 

“Our priority continues to be to help everyone sleeping on the streets into safe, secure accommodation.

“With soaring rents and increased evictions, the homeless pressures are great amid the cost of living crisis. It does feel like we are pushing a boulder uphill so I’d like to thank officers, partners and the many volunteers for the hard work and excellent support they provide - and for their dedication in making sure support is available to people who need it this Christmas.

“If you are worried about anyone rough sleeping, please let us know via Streetlink so we can provide them with the support they need.”

Make Change Count

Anyone who'd like support the charities and organisations across Brighton & Hove working with people to help them find a permanent solution to their homelessness can donate to Make Change Count.

The Make Change Count campaign links local organisations experienced in supporting rough sleepers and preventing homelessness.  

The latest campaign has raised more than £4,000 since its launch in October. 

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