Brighton & Hove is holding a local day of action tomorrow (July 21) in Jubilee Square to help raise awareness about HIV stigma and for people to learn about ways to help stop it.
Throughout the afternoon there will be activities and opportunities for everyone to talk to people living with HIV or those working in HIV prevention or support to learn more.
Lunch and refreshments will be available and there will be an exhibition of portraits inside the library and you can find out more from the Matin Fisher Foundation bus.
Free HIV testing will also be available on the day.
From 5.15pm there will be music from the Rainbow Chorus and other performers and a chance to hear about the experience of different people living with HIV, as well as from leaders and representatives from local organisations.
Almost 75% of people living with HIV in the UK report experiences of discrimination because of their HIV status. HIV stigma has a detrimental impact on the individuals living with HIV and hinders access to HIV prevention, testing, treatment and support for others.
Councillor Bruno De Oliveira, chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board said:
“It’s everyone’s responsibility to stand up to stigma.
“We need to change the way we think and talk about HIV in our social lives, in our workplaces, in our schools, clubs and our communities.
“If we all play our part we can make life better for our friends, family and colleagues who are living with HIV, we can encourage more people to access testing, treatment and prevention, and we can end HIV.
“I would encourage everyone who can to come along on Friday to learn more about HIV so together we can make a Brighton & Hove a place without HIV stigma.”
12noon to 5pm: Zero HIV Stigma Day of Action
- Drop into Jubilee Square have a friendly chat with people living with HIV about their experiences. You can also talk to the NHS and other support organisation such as the Martin Fisher Foundation, Terrence Higgins Trust. Lunch Positive and Sussex Beacon about HIV and how zero stigma would improve testing, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for people living with HIV. Information about HIV support, prevention and treatment will also be available for you to take away.
- Jump on board the Martin Fisher Foundation bus to find out more about what you can do to prevent HIV stigma. They’ll be activities and information suitable for children available too.
- View an exhibition of powerful portraits of people who are living with HIV inside the library.
- Join the Queer Allies lunch at the Ledward Centre or grab a free refreshment from Lunch Positive in the Square.
- Get a free HIV test with the Terrence Higgins Trust at the Ledward Centre.
- You can also pick up a free HIV or STI self-test kit from our digital vending machine any time the library is open.
5.15pm to 6.15pm: Zero HIV Stigma Community Rally
- Speakers including people who live with HIV, as well as clinicians, councillors and organisations providing support for people living with HIV will be talking about their experiences and how we all have a part to play in removing HIV stigma.
- Enjoy music from the Rainbow Chorus and entertainment from local performers.
Read more details about what’s on and who’s speaking at the event.
The event is being organised by the Towards Zero HIV Taskforce, a partnership between the council, NHS, the Martin Fisher Foundation, the voluntary sector, including the Terrence Higgins Trust and Lunch Positive, members of the community, academics and clinicians.
Brighton & Hove has some of the best HIV support, treatment and prevention services in the country and was the first city in the UK to sign up to be an HIV Fast Track City.
- Order a STI self-test kit online.
- Get a free test kit from one of the eight sexual health and HIV digital vending machines in the city.
- Get support, advice, testing and treatment from the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception Service
- Get support, advice, testing and treatment from the Terrence Higgins Trust Brighton & Hove