A man, who police spotted carrying out multiple drug deals in Hastings, has been sent to prison.
Officers in plain clothes were on patrol in the town on Thursday 18 March when they saw two people behaving suspiciously near Falaise Gardens.
The pair were seen to meet a third person and move into some bushes, where a drugs deal was suspected to have taken place.
Officers identified one of the two people as 21-year-old Connor Mackay.
Mackay and the boy he was with then headed into the town centre, including in Wellington Square and Castle Hill Passage, where they were observed meeting several other people and exchanging items.
Mackay then headed to Robertson Street and out onto the promenade near Hastings Pier, where he was detained by uniformed officers for a drugs search.
Here, he was found in possession of 30 wraps of crack cocaine, and 24 wraps of heroin.
Police seized his mobile phone was seized, and discovered it carried numerous messages offering to supply both heroin and crack cocaine.
Mackay, unemployed, of Eversfield Place, St Leonards, was arrested and charged with being concerned in the supply heroin and cocaine, both Class A controlled drugs.
He admitted his crimes when he appeared in court on April 16, and at Lewes Crown Court on Friday (June 18) was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for each offence, to run concurrently.