South Downs National Park Director of Planning, Tim Slaney, has recommended refusal of the planning application to demolish Lewes bus station and replace it with houses and flats.
The final decision will be made by the SDNP Planning Committee on Thursday, September 8th at their offices in Midhurst.
The main reasons given for the refusal recommendation are: the lack of provision for the bus station relocation; the lack of affordable housing; and the overbearing form of the development close to the centre of the town and in a conservation area.
District Councillor Adrian Ross, who led a campaign that saw over 500 objections being submitted to the plans, said:
"It is great that South Downs officers have agreed with all of our objections and have made the right recommendation on this for residents, visitors, businesses and the environment alike.
“Although the final decision will be made by the Planning Committee on the 8th September, it is hard to see them over-turning the recommendation in favour of approval. So this feels like an important battle won. Many thanks to the many people and organisations that supported our campaign, and to the National Park for enforcing the Local Plan policies that we agreed with them.”
East Sussex County Councillor Wendy Maples added:
“This is great news. But we still need to secure a permanent bus station for the town.
“In the first instance, Generator Group should call off the closure of the existing bus station to avoid the traffic chaos which will inevitably follow. Meanwhile, the Town needs a serious plan for future services. Compulsory purchase should be on the agenda.”
Councillors are planning to attend the hearing in Midhurst, and are arranging transport for any other residents that want to participate. Anyone interested should email info@lewes.greenparty.org.uk or contact one of their Green Party councillors.
Councillor Imogen Makepeace, Chair of the Town Council’s Transport Committee, said:
“With the cost-of-living and climate emergencies, Lewes needs good public transport links like never before. And our young people need affordable accommodation.
“We therefore look forward to working to working with all parties and with councillors from all parties to secure improved public transport and truly affordable housing.”