Worthing Beach will be home to naked, local Extinction Rebellion activists - protesting at the lack of action from world leaders so far to tackle rising sea levels and the climate crisis.
They are calling on G7 leaders to ACT NOW and start a green recovery.
Today (Saturday) More Radio's been told the naked protestors on the beach will stand behind banners - they plan to lower them down to the ground - in a symbolic protest against the naked greed of the fossil fuel industries and the bare-faced failure of G7 politicians to take action to halt climate breakdown.
There will also be a table of activists in the sea, dressed as G7 leaders, sitting at a conference dinner table in the sea, eating, drinking and laughing, oblivious to the rising seas, while other politicians onshore will be burying their heads in the sand.
XR groups taking part include Worthing, Horsham, Godalming, East Grinstead, Chichester, Tunbridge Wells and Edenbridge.
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