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Major Incident Declared Across Sussex As Coronavirus Pressures Hit New High

A major incident has reportedly been declared across the region this afternoon (Wednesday) by the Sussex Resilience Forum, in response to coronavirus pressures reaching 'unprecedented' levels.

It comes as hospitals across Sussex are treating more coronavirus patients than ever before, and rising cases across West Sussex have pushed its infection rate to above the national average.

The Sussex Resilience Forum - made up of local authorities, public services, emergency services, and other key organisations - communicates with partners to coordinate their response to crises and challenges.

The Forum is said to have declared the 'major incident' to allow services to make exceptional preparations in response to what has been deemed a 'worsening situation'.

Partners within the forum are reportedly 'satisfied' that current demands on systems are being managed well, but that plans must now be made for the future, with the expectation that the pressures will increase in the coming weeks.

According to Sally-Ann Hart, the MP for Hastings and Rye, the full statement from the Sussex Resilience Forum reads:

"A major incident has been declared in Sussex to best respond to unprecedented pressures of Covid-19 on the county. The same decision has been taken by several other local resilience forums in the South East.

"The Sussex Resilience Forum (SRF) which co-ordinates and communicates between health, emergency services, local authorities and other partners, agreed to declare the incident from 2pm today in response to the high and increasing rate of infection across Sussex and to allow public services to make exceptional preparations for a potentially worsening situation.

"A major incident is a recognition of national demand and puts all agencies in Sussex in the best possible position to come together to tackle the virus. It is a well-recognised and rehearsed escalation that can be expected at times of exceptional need – a major incident was also in place during the summer of 2020.

"The SRF decision recognised the strong and connected pressures across the entire health and care system, from 999 calls to hospital admissions, clinical treatment, discharge from hospital, community services and provision in care homes.

"SRF partners are satisfied that they are currently managing the extra demands on the system but agree that they must now make plans for the likelihood that pressures will increase still further in coming weeks. There is a particular need to continue delivering the programme of vaccination to Sussex residents.

"Partners agreed the decision would allow the SRF to step up and strengthen its response still further. This may include making more use of volunteer help, preparing in detail for extra capacity needed across services and considering requests for extra support from national government if necessary

"The SRF thanked the vast majority of the public in Sussex who are doing everything they can to help the NHS keep the infection under control. Everyone is asked to follow the Covid rules and protect each other; stay at home wherever possible, wash your hands regularly, keep your distance from people you don’t live with and if you develop symptoms, self-isolate immediately and book a test."

The incident was declared at 2pm this afternoon.

This is a developing story. More Radio expects this story to be updated shortly with further information. 

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