Punk and fashion icon Jordan Mooney will be celebrated in a memorial concert in aid of two charities most reflective of her life in Sussex.
Jordan’s partner Nick Linazasoro is organising the fundraiser with Brighton’s Black Rabbit Productions. He said:
“Jordan loved to follow many bands and they would not be able to play live if the venues weren’t there. The Trust assists 15 venues in Brighton alone.
“She was also a veterinary nurse and bred award-winning Burmese cats. So, when I was approached to hold a memorial concert it was decided to equally share profits from the event between two charities close to Jordan’s heart: Cats Protection and the Music Venues Trust.”
The legendary figure from the heyday of British punk will be celebrated at the Official Jordan Mooney Memorial Concert at Brighton’s Concorde 2 on Sunday, 29 May (2pm-11pm).
Nick said:
“The concert is a celebration of everything Jordan. It will be a perfect blend of the old guard and new pretenders, with live performances from some of her friends in bands as well as a selection of local music artists that Jordan loved to listen to and attend their concerts.”
In recognition of Jordan’s punk rock ethics, all bands will be treated equally, reflected in the running order of acts; larger acts will not necessarily come further down the bill.
Proclaimed as a Queen of Punk and undoubtedly a fashion influencer, Jordan – real name Pamela Rooke – shared her Seaford home with many cats over the years, as seen in photographs from her private collection screened at her funeral, earlier this month.
One shows Jordan in her familiar punk era graphic make-up with her cat Nolan, while another is of her much-loved Burmese cat, the Supreme UK Imperial Gold Grand Champion & Supreme UK Imperial Gold Grand Premier Mainman Kisschase.
Marcus Agar, Cats Protection Media Officer, said:
“As well as being a genuine cultural influencer, Jordan was known for her great love of cats. We are honoured to be a small part of her extensive legacy as a beneficiary of this tribute event to a true icon. We will ensure that the money is well spent in Jordan’s memory.”
Filmmaker Danny Boyle, who called on Jordan for advice and accuracy on the forthcoming punk mini-series ‘Pistol’, attended her funeral. Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams will represent Jordan on screen.
Nick said:
“Jordan was famed and highly respected in various sectors of life, film, music and her love of cats. But the overwhelming agreement was that here was a soul that could be completely trusted, one who stayed true to herself and never sold out.
“Sometimes individuals have a vision that can be decades ahead of the masses. Jordan was a social influencer even before that term was coined. Here was an individual that came fully formed prior to the invention of punk rock in the mid 1970’s.
“Even recently, she would turn heads with her purple hair, expressive t-shirts and outlandish regalia. Five decades ago, it must have appeared that she had come from another world.”
Bands confirmed for this special memorial event are The Monochrome Set, Gaye Bykers On Acid, Peter Perrett, DITZ, Spizzenergi, Johnny Moped, Bootleg Blondie, AK/DK, The Pink Diamond Revue, Jamie Perrett, Monakis and Fruity Water. Other artists are expected to be added or in attendance to support the fundraiser.
MC for the event will be John Robb and there will be DJ sets of tunes that Jordan loved in between live performances, as well as slide shows to remember her life and career. Food and drinks will be available to buy.
Tickets are expected to sell out fast. For details, see Brighton’s Concorde 2 venue: https://www.concorde2.co.uk/events/the-official-jordan-mooney-memorial-charity-concert
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