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Mid Sussex Councillors Discuss Hickman's Lane Pavilion Project Behind Closed Doors

Sunday, 26 May 2024 06:00

By Karen Dunn, Local Democracy Reporter

Hickmans Lane Pavilion. Image: GoogleMaps

Mid Sussex District Council has increased the budget for the refurbishment of Hickman’s Lane Pavilion but hasn’t said by how much.

Work at the pavilion, in Lindfield, is being delivered in phases, with the first being last year’s refurbishment of the central social space.

The council’s 2022/23 corporate plan included £50,000 for that phase.

The second phase will cover wider ranging improvements to the sports facilities, including a viewing terrace, a new kitchen and toilets, a storeroom, and the revamping of the changing rooms.

During a meeting of the cabinet, members were told that the budget of £195,000 currently in the 2024/25 capital programme would have to be increased.

It had comprised £45,000 of S106 funding – contributions from developers – and an assumed grant of £150,000 from the Football Foundation.

A report to the cabinet said:

“Since the project was first conceived in 2021, the construction market has seen significant inflationary pressures, and the original budget for the project is no longer sufficient to deliver the proposed improvements, despite significant value engineering.”

The meeting moved into closed session to discuss the matter, meaning the public was not allowed to see what was going on.

They also discussed delegating authority to the director of people & commercial services to award the contract for the work to the preferred bidder once a tendering process has been completed.

A council spokesman said:

“The item was in exempt as it specifically referred to the terms of a procurement, including the cost implications, as per the recommendations in the open paper.

“This is in line with all procurement papers where commercially sensitive information is not made publicly available prior to a tender process.”

Anne-Marie Cooke, cabinet member for finance, revenues & benefits, said:

“The extension and refurbishment will support inclusive sport in Lindfield, which is a good thing to see happening.”

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