The government has awarded a grant to Mid Sussex District Council, Worthing Homes and homeless charity Turning Tides.
The grant, totalling £549,818, came from the government's Next Steps Accommodation Programme.
It's hoped the money will help to keep rough sleepers off the street permanently.
The majority of the funding will be used to set up a new supported housing project early next year for rough sleepers in the district .
The remaining £38,170 will be used to provide a winter support fund for rough sleepers, helping to meet the costs of emergency accommodation and providing rough sleepers with the funds they need to get started in their new homes..
Councillor Andrew MacNaughton, MSDC Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning said:
"Homelessness and in particular sleeping rough has a hugely detrimental impact on people and their families, so it's important that we do everything we can to help get people off the streets.
"This funding will enable us to create suitable long-term accommodation for six people who otherwise would be living in temporary accommodation or lost to the streets.
"Huge credit must go to Worthing Homes, Turning Tides and Mid Sussex District Council, who have all worked together to secure this grant and make a real difference for our community."
John Holmstrom, Chief Executive of Turning Tides said:
"We are truly grateful for the support from Worthing Homes, Mid Sussex District Council and MHCLG to make this new service possible.
"As a charity we are determined to reduce rough sleeping levels within the Mid Sussex district and this new service will support us in doing so.
"In Mid Sussex, there is a small but significant number of rough sleepers, many of whom have enduring and complex needs which require specialist support to thrive within their local community.
"This service will allow us to provide individually tailored support to those most in need, to develop Pathways out of homelessness and into secure accommodation.
"We are looking forward to opening this service and continuing to support our local community within Mid Sussex."
Jackie Bligh, Chief Executive from Worthing Homes said:
"We are delighted to be able to help Turning Tides with this much needed project.
"Homelessness can happen to anyone for any number of reasons and it is humbling to see the life changes that happen once a person has been supported through the transition from sleeping rough to having a place to call home."
For more information contact the Mid Sussex Housing Needs team on 01444 477574 or email housingadvice@midsussex.gov.uk
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