The latest part of a 400 home Pagham development has been approved.
Hanbury PM Limited gained planning permission for 400 homes to the west of Pagham Road in 2018 and they will be developed by Foreman Homes.
But this was only an outline application and more detailed plans have since been submitted to Arun District Council.
The council’s Planning Committee have now approved the developer’s application for a ‘local centre’ area.
Artists Impressions Blocks B And C
This includes the appearance of a retail, commercial, and community area; 20 apartments; and a 70-bed care home.
Blocks A,B, and C will have shops on the ground floor with apartments above.
Block D is set to be a ‘flexible community building’ with a café.
A Masterplan For The Neighbourhood Centre Parcel At The 400 Home Development, Including Land Set Aside For A New School
Finally, block E will house the 70-bed care home which will have a mixture of two and three floors.
ADC’s Planning Committee first considered the latest plans at a meeting on April 28 but deferred a decision due to the height of the buildings.
The developer has now reduced the building heights – in one case by several metres – including the proposed care home’s roof.
This was enough for the committee to give conditional approval to the plans on May 25.
The developer agreed to reduce the height of some buildings and the plans show a before and after comparison
Concerns were raised that the development could impact foraging ground used by the Brent goose – an amber listed bird.
But council planning officers said providing mitigation for this was a condition of the wider planning application and details should be submitted before building work starts.
More details about the latest plans can be found at the council’s planning portal using the reference: P/155/21/RES.