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New Takeaway Is Accused Of 'Taking Over' Parking Spaces In Brighton And Hove

Wednesday, 2 June 2021 07:14

By Sarah Booker-Lewis, Local Democracy Reporter

Delivery drivers are “taking over” limited parking spaces in Brighton and Hove, councillors heard.

A new peri peri chicken takeaway, Mama Pollo, wants permission to offer deliveries from its Lewes Road outlet until 2am on weekdays and 3am Friday and Saturday.

But at a licensing panel on Tuesday morning, police licensing officer Mark Thorogood pointed out no loading or unloading is allowed outside the takeaway.

And he said cars waiting outside could block the cycle lane, forcing cyclists onto the pavement or into busy traffic.

Mr Thorogood told the panel of three councillors – Lizzie Deane, Jackie O’Quinn and Dee Simson – that delivery drivers are a growing issue in the city as they are “taking over” parking.

He said: “The side streets are residential, and we feel the additional vehicle movements with drivers trying to find a place to park will have a negative impact on the quality of living in the area.

“The public nuisance objective is unlikely to be met when hours requested for deliveries are 2am in the week, and 3am at the weekend.”

The new Mama Pollo takeaway is currently open until 11pm without the need for a late-night licence.

In his application, Mama Pollo’s franchise holder Noorullah Khan offered to restrict operations after 11pm to deliveries only.

Mr Khan’s licensing consultant Jay Patel suggested a condition that delivery drivers would park on Trinity Street, Park Crescent Place or Islingword Road.

Mr Thorogood said after visiting the area on Thursday, 27 May, he confirmed a lack of available parking in those streets to anyone without a residents’ permit.

In Trinity Street, there is one place for a car in pay and display, Park Cresent Place is permit holders only, as is Islingword Road, or car club and electric vehicle charging spaces.

Mr Khan said the driver lives in the flat above the takeaway and has a parking permit. He is now recruiting a second driver.

Councillor O’Quinn commented about the problems with parking in the area.

She said: “I do know how difficult this area is to park in. All those side roads are all parked up. It’s a nightmare in that area.

“It would be very difficult to park up and load. What are they going to do? Give themselves a permanent parking space?”

Councillor O’Quinn commented she knows people who live in the area who will not go out in their cars at night as they cannot get a parking space when they return.

Councillor Simson asked if Mr Khan had considered using other forms of transport other than cars such as bicycles, e-bikes, or mopeds.

She said: “It seems most of the objections come from the use of the vehicles.

“You wouldn’t have the same impact on parking as you would with cars.”

Mr Patel said mopeds are noisier than cars, and there are issues with mopeds parking on the pavement.

He said bicycles were considered but ruled out because of the hills, which would delay deliveries to its two-mile radius delivery area.

Lewes Road is also in the city’s special stress area, where there are restrictions on new takeaways operating later than midnight due to concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime.

Mr Thorogood raised anti-social behaviour and drug dealing at The Level and asked for a condition limiting deliveries to fixed addresses.

City council licensing officer Jo Osborne said Lewes Road is an area of concern, and granting the licence would “add additional burdens and public nuisance issues” within the special stress area.

She said drivers serving the takeaway until 2am or 3am would cause a nuisance in the area.

Licensing consultant Mr Patel challenged the issue that Lewes Road is a “stressful area” as neighbours did not object to the application.

He said: “We did not receive any representation from the public from the surrounding area.

“If it was a stressful area, a crime-riddled area, if it was where they were worried about what’s happening on their streets, I would have expected some representation.

The panel retired to make its decision which would be made public in five working days.

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