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Ofsted Gives Good Rating To Brighton school

Wednesday, 15 January 2025 07:00

By Sarah Booker-Lewis LDR

A primary school has been rated good with “outstanding” elements after a recent inspection.

The report on Bevendean Primary School said:

“Pupils thrive at this inclusive school. The school keeps pupils at the heart of every decision.

“It expects, and receives, the best of everyone. Staff have high expectations of all pupils, and pupils respond well to these.

“Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve highly and are well prepared for their next steps.

“Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. Routines are well-established and support pupils to make the right choices.

“The school is a calm and purposeful learning environment. Pupils value nurturing relationships with staff.

“During lessons, they are absorbed in their learning. Pupils consistently try their best, achieving highly across the curriculum.”

The school, in Heath Hill Avenue, Brighton, also received praise for understanding its community and for teachers’ knowledge.

The report listed areas for improvement, with a call to give children more opportunities to apply writing skills to develop their understanding of all subjects.

More work was also needed to improve letter formation for some younger children.

The school had a full inspection from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) on Tuesday 19 November, with the results published yesterday (Monday 13 January).

The school received the top ranking of outstanding for behaviour and attitudes and also for personal development.

Inspectors gave good ratings for quality of education, leadership and management and early years provision.

The lead inspector Laura James and fellow inspectors Claire Martin-O’Donoghue and Linda Appleby spoke with the head teacher, other senior leaders, governors and council representatives.

During the visit, the inspectors took an in-depth look at early reading, mathematics, computing, physical education and science, visiting classes and speaking to pupils.

Head teacher Mark Dally said:

“We were thrilled to be graded as outstanding in both personal development and behaviour and attitudes.

“We believe that this reflects the amazing pupils that we have at our school and the hard work from staff, parents/carers and governors to get the best outcomes for them.

“In addition, we have been graded as good in quality of education, leadership and management and early years provision.

“This highlights how hard the whole school community works to ensure that children make progress, their needs are met and that they enjoy school.

“There was a real feeling of coming together, support and positivity from every area of our school community.”

The school had among the best year 6 SATs results in Brighton and Hove last year, with 71 per cent of pupils achieving the required standards in reading, writing and maths.

The average in Brighton and Hove was 60 per cent and across England 61 per cent.

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