Two people have been summoned to court after allegedly ignoring government rules to stay at home and having a barbecue on Hove beach on Saturday (April, 4) afternoon. Despite repeated request to leave, officers said a the two locals, a 31-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman, refused to go. Police said they were both reported for summons to face charges of breaching the new coronavirus law, after reportedly becoming abusive to PCSOs and police officers. The man was initially arrested after allegedly refusing to provide his details; he also allegedly had a cough according to officers, and asked for a mask so that he didn't cough on them. Both will be summonsed to attend court in due course. As of today (April, 6) police said they've issued 10 fines in Sussex in relation to coronavirus, but they don't have a breakdown of specific dates or locations yet. Officers thanked the majority who have observed the government advice and stayed local while maintaining social distancing and travel guidelines. More Radio is continuously dedicated to providing a quality news service on-air and online, reporting local stories that matter across Sussex.If you enjoyed reading this story, then check out our home page at where you can find the latest from the county, along with features and competitions from our presenters, as well as listening to the station live. You can also sign up to our news alerts to receive updates on new stories. Simply click on the bell at the bottom right of the home page. This will then allow a pop-up which will ask if you would like to receive alerts. Press ‘allow’ and you’re all signed up! You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter.