A woman disgusted by the state of Brighton’s coach station has started a petition calling on the council to improve the facilities.
Celia Steer catches National Express coaches regularly from Pool Valley which prompted her to set up her petition on the Change.org website.
The lack of a waiting room, lighting, toilets and a café have left the area uninviting and Mrs Steer said that she believed that it was unsafe at night.
She said:
“It’s a disgrace. I’ve got relatives coming in from America in the next couple of months and I think they’ll be appalled to know what they’re coming into.
“We use it a lot and have to go out early in the morning. There’s no shelter.
“Coming back late at night, the National Express coaches park at the Old Steine because it’s too dangerous to park in the coach station. There’s nothing there.”
Now, if she has to come home late from a trip with her partner John, Mrs Steer said that she used the train instead.
At the time of writing, 154 people had signed the petition which Mrs Steer plans to submit to Brighton and Hove City Council.
Pool Valley is classed as public highway and is the council’s responsibility.
The council’s cabinet member for transport, parking and the public realm, Trevor Muten, said that the council was looking at ways to improve the area.
Councillor Muten said:
“We see Pool Valley as an important part of the city, with lots of potential.
“It’s close to the pier and seafront and will certainly benefit from the ongoing transformation of the Old Steine as part of the Valley Gardens project.
“We’re looking at how this area best serves the city and will be working closely with transport operators and the local community to ensure good outcomes for residents, businesses and visitors.”
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