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Spectacular Stargazing Events Heading To Eastbourne This Winter

Stargazers are in for a treat at the first stargazing event of 2023.

Organised by Eastbourne Astronomical Society and Heritage Eastbourne, the monthly event – on Saturday January 28 between 5pm and 7pm - is held outside the Beachy Head Story on Beachy Head Road and entry is free.

Visitors will be able to use the society's telescopes to catch a glimpse of the Andromeda Galaxy — the furthest thing that can be seen with the naked eye.

Depending on the weather, Jupiter's moons may also be seen along with the rings around Saturn, and stargazers can watch for light from the sun highlighting the craters on the moon.

There will also be new stars on the block — The Pleiades or The Seven Sisters are a mere 78 million years old.

It is also hoped constellations of the winter sky will be observable too including the brightest star in the sky Sirius, called The Dog Star, Orion the Hunter, Taurus the Bull and the Plough.

 Cllr Margaret Bannister, Eastbourne Borough Council’s Lead Member for Tourism & Culture, said:

“These stargazing events are a fascinating way for everyone to experience the natural wonders of the night sky.

 “We are lucky that the night skies above our town promise some spectacular sights and thanks to the Eastbourne Astronomical Society visitors of all ages can enjoy a stellar look at the stars and planets.

"The January event will be a great opportunity to wrap up warm, connect with the great outdoors and marvel at the joys of the night skies.”

A further stargazing event is taking place on Saturday February 25 between 6pm-8pm.

Each event is free, however they are subject to weather conditions and may be cancelled in inclement weather.

The Beachy Head Story exhibition and gift shop will be open throughout each event, with the Beachy Head Pub on hand for refreshments.

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