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Stalking Protection Orders 'Good News' For Victims In Sussex

Wednesday, 5 August 2020 08:10

By Karen Dunn - Local Democracy Reporter

‘Talk to us. We’ll believe you, we’ll protect you’ was the message from Sussex Police to victims of stalking and harassment.

During a meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, Chief Constable Jo Shiner said 23 stalking protection orders had been issued across the county as of the end of June, with several more still in the pipeline.

Stalking is defined by police as ‘a pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour which is intrusive’.

The orders, which were introduced in January, can be applied for by officers if they have reasonable cause to believe a person needs protecting but the threshold to start criminal proceedings has not yet been reached.

During the performance and accountability meeting on Friday (July 31), Chief Constable Shiner said the use of the orders was ‘really good news and hopefully gives victims in Sussex the confidence that we will take those actions’.

She shared the disturbing news that one man had recently been remanded in custody after breaching an order, with a search of his car turning up items that led police to fear his victim was at risk of harm.

The orders have been well-received by those being protected, and a couple of their comments were shared during the meeting.

One said:

“Getting one of those orders has helped me hugely to make sense of what’s going on for me, giving me the hope that the system will work.”

Another added:

“[It’s] really reassuring that something is in place that protects me and my family.”

Ms Shiner said:

“That says it all really.

“What this means is we can really try and protect those victims and do it in a very accountable way where we can then take action if the offender or perpetrator then breaches [the order].”

She added:

“If you think you are the victim of stalking and harassment, please report it. We will take you seriously.

“We will absolutely investigate that thoroughly and we will use tools such as the stalking protection orders where we need to do so to protect you.”

Sussex Police advice:

If you’re being stalked or harassed and you feel you’re in danger, call 999 immediately.
For non-urgent issues, report online at www.sussex.police.uk/reportcrime or call 101. We’ll arrange a convenient time to meet you and take relevant details so we can give you more specific safety advice. It’s important that you tell the officer everything that’s happened, even if you think it may sound trivial.
You can also call the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300.

By Karen Dunn, Local Democracy Reporter. 

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