Eight suspected organisers of the unlicensed music event in fields near Steyning are among the more than 50 people arrested, police said late on Sunday night (June 27).
Officers estimated that, at the event's height, up to 2,000 people (below earlier guesses of around 5,000) were present along with many vehicles they used, as a large number of police arrived to deal with the consequences on land near Bostal Road.
Most members of the public gradually became aware of the event late on Saturday night, but by 5.45pm on Sunday, police issued a directive to leave the area.
Scores of cars and vans had been left badly parked on narrow country roads, often blocking gates and field entrances needed by farmers.
The event reportedly concluded at 7.15pm.
Officers said they met what they called "significant hostility" when they attempted to engage with those present.
One officer was assaulted while attempting to detain an individual resisting arrest.
A police community support officer was also being treated for a suspected broken arm following a collision involving a police car and a vehicle being driven by someone leaving the event.
The driver and passengers of the second vehicle were also taken to hospital as a precaution.
A 20-year-old man from Redditch, was arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence of both drink and drugs in relation to this collision.
A large quantity of music reproduction equipment, including sound systems and speakers, was seized by officers.
A second collision with another police vehicle was reported at approximately 7pm.
The driver was arrested on suspicion of failing to stop, dangerous driving and failing to provide a breath test.
By late on Sunday night, police reported arresting more than 50 people on suspicion of offences including drink and drug-driving, possession of drugs and theft, and have been taken into custody.
Officers expected the figure to increase.
They called it "one of the largest, unplanned operations Sussex Police has experienced in recent years".
Detective Superintendent Juliet Parker said:
"Due to the mindless actions of a large number of people, the majority of whom have travelled from out of county, the community of Steyning has experienced significant disruption and I’d like to personally thank the public for their patience, understanding and co-operation as we sought to bring this event to a close.
"With a situation of this size, our utmost priority must be the safety of the public as well as our officers and emergency services colleagues at the scene.
"This therefore has required a significant police response involving officers from across Sussex as well as officers from surrounding forces.
"Officers who would have normally been dealing with serious crime and supporting the most vulnerable in our counties.
"These individuals have demonstrated a complete disregard for the local community, the heritage of the area and the existing Covid-19 regulations.
"We will not tolerate behaviour like this within Sussex, as can be seen by the high volume of arrests made over the course of the event.
"We will continue to robustly investigate this illegal activity; seeking to further arrest and prosecute wherever possible."
Officers on Sunday night pledged to remain in the area, and continue "to proactively stop all vehicles leaving".