Tenants in Mid Sussex who are at risk of homelessness will receive support and advice from the council.
Mid Sussex District Council has acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic has put many people under financial pressure, mainly due to a rise in unemployment.
They've also expressed concern that the end of the ban on evictions and the end of furlough in September will contribute to more private tenants losing their homes.
The council has pledged to help those affected remain in their homes, which includes offering a range of advice and support to keep those at risk in settled tenancies wherever possible.
Local Councils in West Sussex have worked together to create a new survey for private landlords and letting agents to gather further insight into how Covid-19 has affected their tenants.
Commenting on the survey, Councillor Jonathan Ash-Edwards Leader of Mid Sussex District Council said:
“As the various Covid-19 support schemes begin to wind down, the Council is anticipating a significant increase in the number of people who need support and advice from our housing team.
"We’re taking this action now to ensure we’re in the best possible position to help anyone who’s at risk of becoming homeless.
“We’re encouraging all landlords and letting agents to complete our survey, so we can support both tenants and landlords through this difficult period.
"The survey will enable us to establish a detailed picture of the situation locally, helping us to understand which tenants are in difficulty and where our support is most needed.
“Landlords can complete the form online at www.midsussex.gov.uk/about-us/consultations/.
"It only take a few minutes to fill out but it will make a huge difference by helping us to identify private tenants who are having trouble and who are at risk of losing their homes.”
There are a number of options available to not only support tenants but also landlords in maximising income, minimising void rent periods and giving tailored support to maintain tenancies.
For more information about the survey, or to access housing advice and support, contact the Mid Sussex Housing Needs Team on 01444 477574 or email housingadvice@midsussex.gov.uk
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