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Sussex PCC Offers Funding For Anti-Crime Initiatives

Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne is inviting organisations across the county to bid for funding to help keep Sussex safe. 

Grants of up to £5,000 are available for groups that provide a positive and lasting impact on the local community in Sussex.

"Since launching the Safer in Sussex Community Fund in December 2013 I have allocated nearly £1.5 million from the Community Safety Fund to support a wide range of crime reduction and community safety initiatives", says Mrs Bourne.

"From organisations who help former prisoners integrate back into the community, to those providing activities for teenagers this funding is making a real difference to local people and neighbourhoods.

"The high numbers that apply each time shows organisations and community groups care about, and are committed to, keeping Sussex a safe place in which to live."

To qualify, projects should demonstrate how they will increase or promote community safety within the local area and have a positive long-term impact.

They should also be able to offer evidence to support the need for the project and show how it helps to prevent offending and reduce re-offending.

The window for applications is open until 5:00pm on Monday 18th October.

For more information and to apply visit: www.sussex-pcc.gov.uk/SiSCF


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