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Sussex Police Take Part In Multi-Agency Crackdown On Eastbourne Anti-Social Behaviour

Police and partners spent some time last week engaging with people visiting and working in Eastbourne town centre - but the exercise had a serious aim.

Drugs were seized and several arrests were made in the two-day multi-agency crackdown on anti-social behaviour and business crime there, in response to concerns by local businesses and residents.   

It involved Sussex Police, Eastbourne Business Crime Reduction Partnerships (BCRP), Eastbourne Licensing Department and the Business Crime Wardens.

Inspector Rachel Barrow, of the Eastbourne Neighbourhood Policing Team, said:

“Anti-social behaviour can have a huge impact on communities, and we are committed to tackling it robustly and diverting offenders to services and treatments to try and break the cycle.

“We thank our partners for their continued help in combatting ASB and business crime, and this operation shows how joint working can make Eastbourne safer for businesses, residents and visitors.”

During the operation officers dealt with multiple shoplifting reports: one where business wardens identified a suspect and linked them to a further five offences, with investigations continuing, and another where stolen property was returned, and a man was issued with a community resolution.

Officers also arrested a man after observing a suspected drugs deal take place. They seized Class A drugs and cash and subjected him to bail conditions to reside outside the county. Another young man’s behaviour raised suspicions and he was searched and arrested for possession of Class A drugs, with safeguarding put in place.

On Friday night, both uniformed and plain-clothed officers were deployed across the town, supported by the Eastbourne Late Night Licensing team, with a passive drugs dog and knife arches to address late and night-time offences.

Two people were identified by the dog unit for drug offences, and a man was arrested for being drunk and disorderly and further arrested for assault of an emergency worker and remanded to court.

On the same night officers made licensing checks at pubs and off-licences across the town, taking the time to meet staff and identify and take action on those premises where alcohol was sold, or music played outside the terms of their license.

The knife arches led to great engagement with young people and fortunately there were no potential weapons or knives found.

Adam Godden, co-ordinator of the Eastbourne Business Crime Group, said:

“The operation run in partnership with Sussex Police was greatly received by us and the security providers within the town, such as the Business Wardens and Beacon Security.

“Being able to see the reports being acted on and supported by our police partners in real time has given great motivation to continue to report.”

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