Parents of children in primary year 6, can now apply for a place at secondary school for September 2022.
Every child transferring to year 7 next year will need to make an application by October 31st this year.
Councils say it's important for applications to be on time, in order for children to get the best chance of being offered the school they want.
The easiest way is to apply online. It is quick and simple and an automatic response will confirm an application has been received.
Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills at West Sussex County Council, said:
"All of the information needed for applying can be read on our website and I strongly recommend parents and carers take time to consider their preferences by looking at the school websites or contacting the schools to learn more.
"It is really important that applications are received on time, missing the deadline could seriously reduce the likelihood of being offered one of your preferences."
In West Sussex:
Free use of computers with internet access is available in all West Sussex libraries, people can turn up and use them without booking.
The library service also offers digital support which includes help with filling in online forms, on 0330 222 3455.
Those unable to apply online can request a form through the post by calling 03330 142903.
When applying:
- Parents are encouraged to apply for three schools and should list them in order of preference.
- A child is not guaranteed a place at a school just because they are in the catchment area. Parents will need to select the catchment school as part of their application for it to be considered.
- Those who miss the deadline for applications must still submit an application form, as a child will not automatically be allocated a school.
West Sussex County Council staff are available to advise parents on the admissions process.
Parents can telephone 03330 142903 or email the admissions team north: admissions.north@westsussex.gov.uk or the admissions team south: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk
Information for parents in East Sussex will be published shortly.