Sussex safeguarding partnerships urge workers who frequently make home visits to take part in free training to help spot possible child abuse and neglect.
Postal workers, delivery drivers and workers who regularly visit homes such as housing maintenance staff can learn how to spot the signs of possible abuse and neglect with the NSPCC's 15-minute course, which is free until March 31 2021.
During the pandemic, children and young people have spent much more time at home and behind closed doors, meaning that some children have been at a greater risk of abuse and neglect.
The NSPCC saw an increase of 81% in its average monthly number of referrals from the charity's helpline to local authorities in the South East.
Organisations taking part in the safeguarding promotion are: Brighton & Hove Community Safety Partnership, Sussex Police, West Sussex districts & boroughs, East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership, Albion in the Community, and Brighton & Hove Communities and Equalities.
The 'It's Your Call' e-learning course teaches how to recognise the signs, report concerns through work channels, the NSPCC or, if urgent, the police.
It also aims to support those who may have already witnessed signs of abuse and provide advice.
Access the course here or search ‘NSPCC It’s Your Call’ online.
DS Jon Hull of Sussex Police said:
“Right now we know that some children in Sussex and nationally are at an increased risk of abuse including sexual abuse, neglect and domestic violence.
“People who work within their community can play an important role in helping keep children safe and spotting possible signs of child abuse, neglect and domestic violence.
“If you are still working with members of the public, taking the NSPCC’s free, quick training course could mean a child does not have to suffer needlessly during this lockdown. If you see something, say something.”
Ciara from Brighton, had a chaotic upbringing with a mum who had substance misuse problems and suffered with bi-polar disorder. She was often left to fend for herself and care for her siblings.
She is speaking out "because she wants to raise awareness about the experiences of so many children, who grow up in homes that aren’t always safe places.”
Ciara said:
“There was so much shame attached to it all, I was always scared of being ‘found out’. She’d frequently leave us in harm’s way, or abandon us when she was prioritising the men, drink or drugs.
“I would compare our home life to my friends and I knew it wasn’t right. I felt responsible for my sister, I felt responsible for my mum and responsible for the way she was perceived by others. That’s a lot for a child to cope with. It affected my confidence – I was trying to survive but worrying about everyone else around me.
“I don’t think it’s that unusual for children to go through this kind of thing, but it’s rarely spoken about.”
The various Safeguarding Children Partnerships in Sussex are also hoping to raise community awareness about the increased risk to children, by using NSPCC resources, including posters and wallet cards promoting the NSPCC helpline for adults and Childline for children.
Anna Collishaw-Nikodemus, NSPCC local campaigns manager for Sussex, said:
“We are so pleased that Brighton & Hove Community Safety Partnership, Sussex Police, alongside West Sussex districts and boroughs and the three Sussex safeguarding children partnerships have made the growing threat of child abuse and neglect a priority in this incredibly challenging time.
“Since April, the NSPCC Helpline has received over 31,000 contacts from adults anxious about child abuse or neglect. The monthly average number of contacts has surged 43% compared to pre-pandemic levels.
“It is essential that we all play our role in helping to keep children and young people safe. Workers visiting people’s homes during the pandemic have the unique opportunity to see or hear things that others may not. Therefore, it is important that they feel confident in knowing what to do if they are concerned about a child.”
Adults concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC helpline seven days a week on 0808 800 5000, or email help@nspcc.org.uk. Children can speak to a counsellor on 0800 1111 or chat online.